Wednesday, March 11, 2009

More on Tuile, with Coffee

In June, 2008, in one of cooking fits -- which are good things, I suppose, I had egg whites left over from making jaggery creams, and I made tuiles, the recipe I got from my big book of french recipes. this is what I wrote then:
"I like coffee, but i hadn't had it with tuiles before. i made these melt in your mouth crisps, which turn out in between a cookie and cracker, with egg whites i had left over from making kithul cream pots, with added sugar and flour. they are oven baked for 8 mins. really changes that ten mins with coffee.
also possible with added crushed almonds, which i didn't get around to yet."

Tuile, Coffee, Cream
(these are my ones, june 2008)

So there it was; until I stopped by at Monis (at Maggona, and famous for its rusks, of course) on the way back from Bentota the other day. I think it was Malathi who had said, when I first made tuiles 'Oh Monis does this' (like i was old hat for looking it up in a recipe book)-- but when we stopped before, at the New Monis, not the old, we are unable to find them. Well, at Old Monis, (and really can't they merge?) -- they have it, but its called Tuilips. Now don't cackle -- I don't know the history of this creation, its name or the confection, but it is melt in your mouth good, and at 6 for Rs. 45/=, very good value. Would be at least 450 at the Hilton, wouldn't it?

(the Monis variety)

Try some with Coffee, and say thank you to Monis!

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